Public Tours

Saturdays | 2:00 p.m. and Third Thursdays | 6:30 p.m.

Explore our galleries with one of the museum’s trained docents. Our docent will guide you through the galleries, offering context and insights into the works of art on view. The content of the tour varies according to what’s on view and the docent’s particular expertise, and it may include a combination of works in the permanent collection and temporary exhibitions. Tours begin in the museum’s lobby; reservations are not required. Tours are free with museum admission.

Please note: Public group tours are not offered on SMU home football game days. Please visit the museum’s Program Calendar for the full schedule.

Spotlight Talks

Second Sundays | 2:00 p.m. and Fourth Thursdays | 6:30 p.m.

Spend 20 minutes with one of the museum’s docents for in-depth look at one of the works on view. See museum’s Program Calendar for the topic of each talk. Talks are free with museum admission.

Please note: Spotlight Talks are not offered on SMU home football game days. Please visit the museum’s Program Calendar for the full schedule.