Pablo Picasso
Sonnets of Góngora, series of 42 prints after Velázquez
Etchings, sugarlift aquatint and drypoint on China paper
Sonnets of Góngora, series of 42 prints after Velázquez
Etchings, sugarlift aquatint and drypoint on China paper

Pablo Picasso
Sonnets of Góngora, book and suite of first state sonnets
Etchings, Sugar-lift aquatint and drypoint on vèlin du Marais watermarked ‘Gongora’
Sonnets of Góngora, book and suite of first state sonnets
Etchings, Sugar-lift aquatint and drypoint on vèlin du Marais watermarked ‘Gongora’
Pablo Picasso
Soneto Burlesco: A un excelente Pintor estranjero, que le estava retratando
Etching, sugar-lift aquatint and drypoint on China paper
Soneto Burlesco: A un excelente Pintor estranjero, que le estava retratando
Etching, sugar-lift aquatint and drypoint on China paper
Pablo Picasso
Soneto XVIII: Al Tramontar del Sol, la Ninfa mia…
Etching, sugar-lift aquatint, drypoint, and engraving on China paper
Soneto XVIII: Al Tramontar del Sol, la Ninfa mia…
Etching, sugar-lift aquatint, drypoint, and engraving on China paper