Woman with long hair
Pablo Picasso
Woman with long hair
Etching, sugar-lift aquatint on China paper
Soneto X: Al sol, porque salió estando con una Dama, y le fue forçoso dexarla
Pablo Picasso
Soneto X: Al sol, porque salió estando con una Dama, y le fue forçoso dexarla
Etching, sugar-lift aquatint, drypoint, and engraving on China paper
Woman reading
Pablo Picasso
Woman reading
Etching, drypoint on China paper
Woman with curly hair
Pablo Picasso
Woman with curly hair
Etching, sugar-lift aquatint on China paper
Profile of a woman with ruff
Pablo Picasso
Profile of a woman with ruff
Etching, sugar-lift aquatint on China paper
Soneto VII: Palida restituye a su elemento…
Pablo Picasso
Soneto VII: Palida restituye a su elemento…
Etching, sugar-lift aquatint and drypoint on China paper
Woman with chignon
Pablo Picasso
Woman with chignon
Etching, drypoint on China paper
Woman with mirror
Pablo Picasso
Woman with mirror
Etching, sugar-lift aquatint and drypoint on China paper
Woman with diadem
Pablo Picasso
Woman with diadem
Etching, sugar-lift aquatint on China paper
Soneto Heróico: A la ciudad de Córdova y su fertilidad
Pablo Picasso
Soneto Heróico: A la ciudad de Córdova y su fertilidad
Etching, sugar-lift aquatint and drypoint on China paper
Brunette woman, three-quarter view
Pablo Picasso
Brunette woman, three-quarter view
Etching, sugar-lift aquatint on China paper
Soneto Fúnebre
Pablo Picasso
Soneto Fúnebre
Etching, drypoint on China paper
Profile of a woman with braid
Pablo Picasso
Profile of a woman with braid
Etching, drypoint on China paper
Soneto Heróico: Al año climatérico de su edad
Pablo Picasso
Soneto Heróico: Al año climatérico de su edad
Etching, sugar-lift aquatint and drypoint on China paper
Brunette with sleek hair
Pablo Picasso
Brunette with sleek hair
Etching, sugar-lift aquatint on China paper
Torero y Señorita
Pablo Picasso
Torero y Señorita
Lithograph on paper
The Dream and Lie of Franco I, (States I and II)
Pablo Picasso
The Dream and Lie of Franco I, (States I and II)
Etchings with aquatint on Montval laid paper
The Dream and Lie of Franco I, State I
Pablo Picasso
The Dream and Lie of Franco I, State I
Etching with aquatint on Montval laid paper
The Dream and Lie of Franco I, State II
Pablo Picasso
The Dream and Lie of Franco I, State II
Etching with aquatint on Montval laid paper
The Dream and Lie of Franco II, (States I, III, IV, V)
Pablo Picasso
The Dream and Lie of Franco II, (States I, III, IV, V)
Etchings with aquatint on Montval laid paper